Bryn Lovejoy-Grinnell represents individuals and assists schools in a wide range of matters. She has over 14 years of experience diligently advocating for the rights and interests of her clients and is here to help whether you are going through a divorce, facing a child custody issue, or looking to resolve a conflict involving a student or faculty member. No matter what your case involves, you will find that Bryn’s goal is to protect what is important to you.

Compassionate and experienced

Bryn works passionately toward obtaining the best resolution possible for clients involved in the following legal matters:

  • Family law — When you are facing any type of domestic legal dispute, you need the assistance of a skilled family law attorney. For couples who wish to separate but remain legally married, Bryn can help you obtain a legal separation so that you can live apart. Bryn also helps victims of domestic abuse with obtaining orders of protection so that they can be safe.
  • Divorce — Bryn represents clients in traditional divorce cases as well as uncontested divorce and collaborative divorce proceedings for those who are looking to dissolve their marriage and reach agreements on child custody, child support and spousal maintenance arrangements through less adversarial means.
  • Title IX matters — Whether you are a student or employee at an institution of higher education looking for an advisor through your Title IX sexual misconduct proceeding, or a college or university looking for a hearing officer, investigator or consultant, Bryn has the experience to assist you with your Title IX matter.

While most disputes can be resolved peacefully through negotiation and mediation, some will end up in court. As an experienced litigator, Bryn is always prepared to go to hearing or trial if that is the best way to protect your rights.

Contact Bryn today

Bryn Lovejoy-Grinnell represents clients in Syracuse and throughout Central New York State in family and education law matters. Please call 315-760-4519 or contact her online to schedule an initial consultation at her Syracuse office or by videoconference.