Collaborating with colleges and universities to enhance their Title IX processes

Colleges and universities are under a considerable amount of pressure to keep campuses safe by disciplining students accused of rape, sexual assault, harassment and other forms of sexual misconduct. 

Bryn works directly with colleges and universities as an independent investigator, hearing officer and hearing chair, and appeals board chair. She also consults with colleges and universities to improve procedures and implement best practices in their misconduct processes.

Representing students and employees in Title IX cases

Bryn Lovejoy-Grinnell has been representing students in Title IX proceedings since 2016, on college campuses throughout New York State and New England. Experiencing rape, dating violence, stalking, harassment or other sexual misconduct can ruin a student’s life. Being wrongly accused of these violations can also devastate a student's life. Bryn helps students and their families to deal with Title IX-related disciplinary actions brought by a school. Each institution has its own policies and procedures, and she skillfully identifies and utilizes the students’ rights and protections available to clients.

Each student deserves fair and equal treatment under Title IX. However, the burden of proof that university disciplinary boards require is often less than that required in a criminal case, so boards can issue disciplinary verdicts even when they cannot prove beyond a reasonable doubt that sexual harassment or assault occurred.

Bryn works on behalf of both complaining students and those accused of misconduct, to ensure that your college conduct proceedings are administered fairly and in a transparent way. Bryn will strive to enforce a fair and thorough investigation of claims that fully considers both sides of the story as well as all relevant evidence. She may also collect additional evidence and testimony in support of your case.

Contact a dedicated New York Title IX expert

Students involved in Title IX sexual misconduct complaints have the right to fair proceedings. Bryn Lovejoy-Grinnell advises clients on disciplinary hearings and appeals and strive to protect their rights to a fair and safe education. Call Bryn at 315-760-4519 or contact her online to schedule your initial consultation at her Syracuse office or by videoconference.